This week we end the book of Genesis with the deaths of Jacob and Joseph. Both of our patriarchs, sensing their lives are coming to an end, take the time to let their families know their wishes for after their deaths. They both wanted to be buried back in Canaan, in the Cave of Machpelah, their family burial place. Jacob’s sons complied at Jacob’s death and brought him to Canaan to be buried. Joseph’s remains were embalmed and kept in Egypt for 430 years, and then brought back to Canaan by the Israelites when they left Egyptian slavery.
This text teaches us the importance of making your wishes known to your loved ones before you die. Do you want to be buried, cremated, or use a more eco-friendly method? Do you want a funeral, a memorial service, or a party? If cremated, do you have a special place where you want your ashes to be scattered? Any favorite songs or poems you would like at your funeral? Many funeral homes will work with you to make advance plans. AARP has helpful tips for what questions to ask when planning -
And know that your rabbi is always here for you, to talk through any questions or concerns you have from a Jewish perspective.
-Rabbi Bonnie Margulis