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D'var Torah:
Weekly Torah Portion Commentary

Chol Hamo'eid Pesach - 4/25/24

In a passage from The Four Children in the Mishkan HaSeder Haggadah (CCAR 2021), we read:  


“As in the pages of our history, so too in our daily lives, these four characters-the one who is wise, the one who rejects, the one who is simple, and the one who does not know how to ask-reappear in unexpected ways.  Through imagination and study, we ponder their questions and consider the difficulties they raise–all the while seeking insights to give meaning to our people’s narrative and to our own stories.” (Ibid p. 50) 

Expounding on this passage, Rabbi Simeon ben Zemach Duran of 14th Cent Spain wrote: “The commandment is to tell the Exodus story, whether by questions or not!” (Ibid, p. 50) That is, says the Mishkan HaSeder, “the obligation of Passover is not upon the ask-er, but upon the tell-er to make sure that everyone can grow from our story.” (Ibid, note, p. 50)


As the week of Passover continues, we still reflect upon the teachings of the Haggadah.  As someone who chose being a “tell-er” of our people’s history as a career, at services on Friday night, I will reflect on the place that teaching people of all ages and characters has held in my rabbinate over the past decades.

 -Rabbi Dena A. Feingold


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