It never fails to amaze me, how often I look at whatever the week’s Torah portion is and find in that portion something that speaks directly and relevantly to what is happening at the moment. This week’s portion is a prime example of that.
God tells Moses in this week’s portion that he is nearing the time of his death. God instructs him to go to the top of the nearby heights, where Moses will at least be able to look on the land of Israel, if not enter it. After that, God says, Moses will die.
Moses’ first thought is about who will succeed him. The people need a leader, so that they do not wander around like lost sheep. God tells him to anoint Joshua, his right-hand man, as his successor, and to it in a public way, so all the people will see and understand that Joshua is not just God’s choice, but Moses’ choice.
This week we saw the head and presumptive nominee of one of our major political parties, like Moses, publicly step aside and pass the torch to his own right-hand woman. No matter your political leanings, no matter who you will vote for in November, we all should honor President Biden for his lifetime of dedicated service to this country and to this stunning act of sacrifice, patriotism, and heroism, as he put the good of the country above his own personal ambitions or desires.
-Rabbi Bonnie Margulis